martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

In the long time, you are my dream

          Boy, can you dance with me?
         Overcast skies, polluted world.
   Teenagers, have you asleep yet?
              Boy... are you good??
            Boy, you are lost??
       Autumn falling autumn leaves...
              Praying girl.
      Dazzling sky....
          Sleep and dream girl.
       Lonely Girl, you are well?

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Estilo antiguo de China

  Depressed teenager/忧郁少年
  Long hair flowing the her/长发飘逸的她
    Street girls/街道少女
    Flower Girl/花少女
   Lonely girl/寂寞少女
   Indifferent to girls/淡泊少女